Saturday, January 28, 2012
Who has time to read books?
"The Old Man and the Sea"- classic
After reading Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway's writing style to me was clear- verbose, and wordy. Yet around me teachers and friends would comment on his terse and clean writing style. How can my beliefs be so contradictory with everyone else's? To me, Hemingway used every possible adjective and took every possible way of going "around" what he really was trying to say. At no point, did Hemingway come right out and say "I killed the fish because I was hungry." Were others thinking he was terse in his diction? Perhaps his words were chosen with meaning, but overall his wordy messages were in no way terse apart from their meaning. The Old Man and the Sea's overall meaning did not come out to me as a story reflecting man's responsibility and duty in nature, but more reflected Hemingway's views on the way a man should be and the principles he should have. It is clear that Hemingway believes a man should live with dignity and honor, enduring all kinds of pain. No matter the writing style, terse or not, The Old Man and the Sea is to be read as a classic.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
"Lord of the Flies"- classic
I was definitely not expecting this. I sat there finished with Lord of the Flies unsatisfied and rather disappointed. After learning Lord of the Flies was an English class reading requirement, my mother began to tell me how powerful a story it is with references and connections to man kind... I was excited and hopeful that maybe, just maybe, I would read a book as breathtaking and genius as Animal Farm. So I read and read and was gravely disappointed. The boys stranded on the island hardly paralleled the actions of human nature. The subtleties of Animal Farm were non existent. The writing style was rather irritating to me.. It's as though, the author is trying not to say something, but is, at the same time. The actual "Lord of the Flies" story line that was intertwined with the boys, was weak and obvious in its nature. To say it simply, Lord of the Flies by William Golding is simply, overrated.
"Romeo and Juliet"- classic
Though "Romeo and Juliet" was an intimidating school-assigned play to flip through, I somehow was able to slyly decode Shakespeare's ethereal yet distant writing style using Spark Notes' plain English version. Of course at some point of every ones educational life Romeo and Juliet seems to be a journey everyone must go on. The writing style was far from blunt and the frustrating old English writing seemed to linger in me head. Once properly analyzed, Shakespeare's words could be noted as subtly and largely metaphorical. I personally, do not feel qualified to judge the historical and legendary author Shakespeare, until I have read more of his work. I have yet to make my mind up on my stance on Shakespeare, though Romeo and Juliet is a must read classic.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
"12 Angry Men"- ages 13-16
Rating: 9/10
Saturday, October 16, 2010
"Catalyst"- ages 12-14
Sunday, July 25, 2010
10 assorted people invited to an abandoned island for a week long get away, only to find the host is no where to be seen. As the cryptic nursery rhyme of 10 Little Indians becomes true, suddenly another person dies, leaving only less and less people fretting for their lives. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie never left my hands or mind as I continuously thought of an explanation for the murders and the murderer. The novel revealed the truth about human nature; when people are upset, confused, or simply out of answers, they began to turn on each other. Of course, until there isn't anyone left on the island.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Shadow Thieves by Anne Ursu- ages 12-13
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"Dear John"- ages 12- 100
Sunday, March 7, 2010
"Uglies"- ages 12-16
Rating: 7/10
Saturday, February 13, 2010
"Prom"- ages 13-16

Prom has the back cover of every other book out there. Ordinary you may say. It was good until page 3, then it changed. The main character, Ashley, is extremely poor and dating a thug whom she plans to run away with after she barely passes high school. Nice right? Oh, I almost forgot to mention she works at a Chuck-E- Cheese. Even better right? The whole time reading I am positive she will have a change of attitude at the end and she will hopefully dump her stupid boyfriend. At the end she sneaks into prom and still doesn't want to go to college. I guess it's a bit better because she does dump her boyfriend...... Anyways, don't be fooled by the cute cover or back cover description, you're not missing anything if you don't read it! Prom by Laurie Halse Anderson.
Monday, January 25, 2010
"A Kiss in Time"- ages 12-14

As I read 'A Kiss in Time' by Alex Flinn, I was reminded of her other book I have read and reviewed-'Beastly'. Definitely the same majestical yet down to earth feel. Fairtale yet real and a modern novel. Distant yet detailed. Suspenseful yet simplistic. For once, the inside book sleeve does it justice. However, I did get bored at the climax. I was slighlty irritated after Jack (the main character) wakes Talia (the princess) by a kiss. There is a full 15 pages of a confusing scene. The guards are ready to kill Jack... the King is mad..... Jack's friend tries to steal some jewels.... Jack get's thrown into a jail cell... Talia is in trouble for touching the spindle...... and yet they all don't know that they've been asleep for 316 years. Yep, it's complicated.... slightly irritating, but an OK read none the less.
Rating: 5/10
Sunday, January 3, 2010
"Oh My Gods" ages 12-14

Saturday, December 26, 2009
"Flawless"- ages 12/15
Hmmmmm........ what should I say? I am torn over my opinion on this book...
"Chosen"- ages 13-16
Chosen by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast is third in the series of Marked and in my opinion (well, this entire blog is my opinion but you know...) the second best. I love the main character ever since book one. I often feel the heroine of a book is stereotypical and annoying in a way but Zoey was simply realistic and relatively normal(apart from being a vamypre with extreme powers).I liked the plot and enjoyed being pulled into the world of teenage vampyres. This book should not be mistaken for Twilight- if you did not enjoy Twilight still give the Marked books a chance. Don't forget to read the rest of my Marked and Betrayed reviews!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Airhead- ages 11-14

The Luxe- ages 12-15

Monday, October 5, 2009
"Pretty Little Liars"- ages 12- 16
Friday, September 18, 2009
"Betrayed"- ages 13-17
I read "Betrayed" in three days... need I say more? Betrayed by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast is the second in the series of Marked(scroll down for Marked). I loved Marked and I lovedddddd Betrayed even more!!!!!! SO GOOOOOD (makes me wanna scream it out)! So when Zoey, a girl who just got Marked, finally gets settled in at school, gets great friends, has a great boyfriend (or two!) things start to change... and fast.... So many things happen in Zoey's life and she finds someone extremely close turn bad, and someone even closer dead! Things are changing, and before you know it, Zoey is being betrayed.
"Confessions of a Shopaholic"- ages 12-17
Yes, I, I saw the movie before I saw the book... So? I still loved it! Definitely a great read! Unlike the movie, many more obstacles take place as Becky, our beloved shopaholic, tries to get rid of her shopping habbit and her debt... This book made my stomach go in nots because it bothered me that she couldn't control herself and just NOT shop. I can imagine it being hard to stop shopping (me being a slight shopaholic myself) but she needed to get over it. Also, the book had a LOT of detail.... not good, not bad, just a lot of what Becky thought, what Becky felt, and what happened to Becky. Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella is a fun and spirited read for the hopeless shopaholics (or not it's still cute)!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
"Betrayed"- ages 13-16
Saturday, August 15, 2009
"Down the Rabbit Hole"- ages 9-13
Mysteryyy!!!! I'm already hooked! THIS mystery starts when- a pair of shoes are forgotten somewhere. Yes, you read right.... a pair of shoes. When Ingrid, a young girl, retrieves her shoes, she also retrieves the town's murder mystery that's strewn across all the newspapers. I enjoyed Down the Rabbit Hole by Peter Abrahams.
"Airhead"- ages 12-14
What would you do if your brain was put into the most famous, wealthiest model of your time? Yeah, I don't know and neither does Em Watts. A great storyline, a great main character(or two... no one, but kind of 2... oh, you'll see!) and a great balance of glamour and reality... I (her) loved it with two thumbs up and eight and a half stars!!!! Airhead by Meg Cabot.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
"The Lightning Thief"- ages 9-12
Rating: 4/10
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
"The Twilight Saga"- ages 9-100
I am pretty sure that almost everyone has heard of the Twilight series. I am not going to go into a review of the book- more like a brief update about how I feel about them. I have read all in the series and love each one! If you ever had a doubt in your mind, these are great books and are not inappropriate. The characters deal with love, and confusion in a tasteful way, with a twist- vampires. The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer is a must read according to me!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
"Nickolai of the North"- ages 9-11
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
"The Mother-Daughter Book Club"- ages 8-12
"The Black Sheep"- ages 9-12
Kendra Bishop is a 15 year old, fed up with a binder full of rules, strict lifestyle and conveyer belt life to becoming a banker. So, she writes a letter to the new reality tv show, The Black Sheep, which will swap her and another teen for a month. Kendra finds herself living with a new family, in Monterey, CA, and falling for their son, Mitch. But with Judy, the show producer, who follows her everywhere and invades her privacy, will not stop until the show gets higher ratings. This book is The Black Sheep, by Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout. ***Recomended as "by the pool" reading. Definitley an easy, light, fun read!!***
"Beastly"- ages 12-14
"The Westing Game"- ages 12-15
Sunday, June 14, 2009
"Marked"- ages 13-16

Vampyres, love, hatred. Is it Twilight? Nope... but just as good! Marked by PC Cast and Kristin Cast, a mother-daughter writing team, is a tale about a young girl who lives a normal life, but one day, she's marked, meaning she's destined to become a fledgling vampyre at The House of Night. The House of Night is a vamyre finishing school that helps young marked kids go through "the Change" and become full vampyres. All the people in the book are aware of vampyres and hope not to be a vamypre or get marked... they live their life hoping not to turn out like "the freaks". But once Zoey gets marked, her life completely changes!!! She has responsibility and power beyond the normal fledgling given to her by the Goddess Nyx herself. While kids are dying left and right from "the change", Zoey falls for the handsome Erik, becomes enemies with the meanest, most popular girl in school, makes some really great new friends, and fulfills her rightful duties given to her by the Goddess. I couldn't put it down from sentence one! I warn you though, definitely some, okay, a lot of bad words and some sexual content.... but it's still really-really-REALLY good!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
"Centre Stage"- ages 8-10
"Nora's Surprise"- ages 4-7
Saturday, May 30, 2009
"Mama, Coming and Going"- ages 5-8
Moms. They do a lot for us…and sometimes…not everything happens they way they plan! In Mama, Coming and Going, the author, Judith Caseley perceives the mistakes and miraculous workings of our mothers from the perspective of a young and eager daughter. After the birth of the baby brother, things begin to go wrong: the car breaks down, the mom forgets to make dinner, the bath-tub overflowing and, yet, they have a good time! This heart warming picture book describes the relationship between a positive daughter and a busy yet loving mother!
Rating: 8/10
"Chocolatina"- ages 5-7
Fantasy, cute characters, and CHOCOLATE????? Yep, it’s Chocolatina by Erik Kraft! Like every girl in the world (except my friend Kiki), Tina is overly obsessed with chocolate… But… what do you do when you wake up and realize you’ve been turned into chocolate? Throughout this imaginative story and the delicious illustrations, Erik Kraft explores a plot-twisting story where the least expected character tries to take a bite out of Tina. This creative and adorable story line is one that everyone will relate to and is the perfect bedtime story for every girl! Sweet dreams!
Rating: 9/10