Vampyres, love, hatred. Is it Twilight? Nope... but just as good! Marked by PC Cast and Kristin Cast, a mother-daughter writing team, is a tale about a young girl who lives a normal life, but one day, she's marked, meaning she's destined to become a fledgling vampyre at The House of Night. The House of Night is a vamyre finishing school that helps young marked kids go through "the Change" and become full vampyres. All the people in the book are aware of vampyres and hope not to be a vamypre or get marked... they live their life hoping not to turn out like "the freaks". But once Zoey gets marked, her life completely changes!!! She has responsibility and power beyond the normal fledgling given to her by the Goddess Nyx herself. While kids are dying left and right from "the change", Zoey falls for the handsome Erik, becomes enemies with the meanest, most popular girl in school, makes some really great new friends, and fulfills her rightful duties given to her by the Goddess. I couldn't put it down from sentence one! I warn you though, definitely some, okay, a lot of bad words and some sexual content.... but it's still really-really-REALLY good!
Rating: 9/10
I am actually thinking of changing my rating to a 9.5/10 becuase looking back I really enjoyed the book and it definitley made an impact on my mind!