It's hard to describe
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. Sci-fi? Hmmm... no. Futuristic? Hmmmm.... maybe. Good? Definitely! In this mysterious world, everyone under goes a procedure when they turn 16 and they miraculously turn pretty. Every ugly, or normal person, in Ugly Ville dreams of growing up and becoming pretty where the only rule is to have fun! Creepy, huh? Throughout the novel I questioned our own society and just how far we will go for beauty and the quest to obtain it. At just what point does the artificial beauty make us ugly? If you want a book you'll never put down, you must pick Uglies! I have had friends who completely hated it but it must've been a lack of comprehension and openness to a harsh world tainted with lies and mass manipulation. So I suppose it's rather a hit or miss.
Rating: 7/10
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